Linda Gerstle — From the Top Director of Education "The program, with its commitment to framing the concert experience in new and unexpected ways, is a model for expanding current and engaging new audiences. As they engage their audiences in what it means to be a classical musician, Brian and Michael are inspiring role models for the upcoming generation of musicians."
Thomas Handel--New England Conservatory Dean "The program reminds us that classical music is not only relevant to our society, but plays a central role in how we understand the world around us. This combination of musical artistry and spoken scholarship gives us a unique opportunity to re-consider our world, through deep contemplation and lively engagement."
Tony De Ritis — Northeastern Music Department Chair "Reichman and Kaufman represent a rare mix of cultural sensitivity and entrepreneurship; this powerful duo has a knack for using music to bring people together in order to discuss and reflect upon important issues facing society today. Together they work tirelessly to make us more aware, and the world a better place — they are definitely ones to watch!"
Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) — Composer, Speaker "...the concert event is about the artist, an audience, and our world. I felt like I was part of a world community, on a stage and in a sacred space full of thought, sweat, rage, hugs, handshakes — and some good food, too!"
Jason Belcher --Commissioned Composer "Everything behind the program makes it a great endeavor — new music, an exchange of ideas, the teamwork, and the variety of bridges that are built in the various modes of discussion. This all has to do with today and moving things forward to tomorrow."
Gregory Nicolett --Commissioned Composer "From the beginning, Brian and Michael exhibited both the vision to curate an artistically relevant event as well as the organizational skills to see it through to the end. Ultimately, the performance speaks for itself, and I could not be happier with our collaboration."
Listen Magazine — Fall 2010 DIY: Music Career Conservatories are teaching the business of the business. Download the full article here.